Support Us
Beach Clean Ups. Community Gardens. Workshops for Tamariki. Our team is constantly seeking new opportunities to engage Hawke's Bay communities in sustainable practices.
When you donate to the Environment Centre, you can be certain that your gift is contributing to cleaning our rivers, educating whānau to grow kai and supporting communities to develop long-term resiliency to future disasters.
We know that climate change, unaffordable veges and biodiversity loss are daunting challenges. But by flax-root community action, Hawke's Bay can address these challenges and create a better future for our tamariki and the unique biodiversity that lives alongside us all.
We'd love you to partner with us and share your ideas on how Hawke's Bay can thrive for generations to come.
Donate Now
If you would like to make a donation now, thank you! Your partnership is hugely appreciated and will make a big difference.
One-Off Donations
Every donation makes a difference. Thank you for considering gifting us some of your hard-earned dollars.
Please pop along to one of our events to see what your gift has contributed to.
If you would like to make a one-off donation now, you can do so below.
Regular Donations
Partnering with our charity through a regular donation is extremely helpful as it allows us to take a planned, long-term approach to our solutions.
If you would like to set-up regular giving now, you can do so below.
Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is when a donation to the Environment Centre is taken out of your regular pay prior to it going into your bank account. If your donation is more than $5, then a 33% tax rebate is immediately applied, i.e., if you make a $30 donation, you will only have a $20 reduction in your take-home pay.
Information for Employees
If you would like to register for payroll giving, firstly speak to your employer and ascertain if they offer payroll giving. If they do offer payroll giving, or they are open to offering it, then refer them to the below 'Information for Employers' section.
Once the Environment Centre Hawke's Bay is registered as a recipient for your organisation's payroll giving, you can advise your employer on the quantity that you would like to regularly donate to our charity.
If you do register for payroll giving, we'd love to hear from you to ensure that we are connecting you into our wider offerings. You can do this via sam@environmentcentre.org.nz
Information for Employers
How to sign up for payroll giving:
View the IRD Payroll Giving Guide.
You then need to register for payroll giving with IRD.
As part of your registration with IRD you need to select Environment Centre Hawke's Bay as the recipient of your funds. To do this you will require the following information:
Our Legal Name: Sustaining Hawke's Bay Trust
Our Normal Operating Name: Environment Centre Hawke's Bay
Charity Register Number: CC25936
IRD Donee Number:
Our Bank Account: Environment Centre Hawke's Bay
Our Bank Account Number: 03-0642-0917507-01
Our Bank / Branch: Westpac New Zealand Ltd
Once registered please let us know, so that we can ensure that you are connected into our wider offerings. You can do this via sam@environmentcentre.org.nz
Bequests / Gifts in your Will
Many people leave gifts in their will, also known as a bequest for charities that have made an impact in their lives of simply have values that align to their own.
If after looking after your loved ones you would like to make a bequest to the Environment Centre, you can do so by:
Determining what kind of gift you would like to leave, i.e., a share of your estate or an exact sum of money.
Speak to your lawyer about amending your will.
While there is no requirement to tell us that you're leaving a bequest to our charity, we would love to hear from you so that we can that you for this extremely generous gift, but also to ensure that we keep you connected to our programs and services.
If you had any questions, or wanted to discuss a potential bequest, please contact our Fundraising Manager - Sam Paterson (sam@environmentcentre.org.nz).